Piano Moving (Labor Only, No Transport)

If you only need our team to help you load or unload your piano from your own personal truck or rental truck, we've got you covered. We offer very basic moving help if you already have your own truck, dolly, blankets and straps.
NOTE: Since we are a Piano Moving Company and not a generic moving company, we carry top of the line piano moving equipment such as piano boards, premium thick blankets and industry rated dollies.
If you do not have a piano board (used for baby grands & grand pianos), blankets, dollies or straps, not to worry, we always give customers the option to buy these from us. Please keep in mind, we are not salesmen and our movers do not attempt to sell equipment unless asked. We offer this as a courtesy service. Many customers go to harbor freight, buy their $20 dolly and $15 thin economy blankets and their straps and find out that those units are not good enough for pianos.
We highly recommend moving a piano in an enclosed trailer if possible. However, if you have a open top trailer and need our help, we will do our best to make sure your piano is properly padded and secured. So if its only our labor that you need, give us a call!

Premium Moving Blankets: $20/each
Piano Board: (not needed for upright pianos): $200
Carpeted Piano Dolly: $50
Or our Rubber Grip Piano Dolly: $85
E-Track Straps: $15/set (usually only 2 are needed. Used to strap a baby grand onto a piano board)
Ratchet Straps: $10/set (Usually 2-4 are needed. Used to strap a piano onto the piano dolly and secure it onto the truck).
FREE Movers Large Bands (the large rubber bands used to secure the blankets onto your piano)

Premium blankets on a grand piano!
Premium Blankets on an upright grand!

E-Track Piano Boards (NOT required for upright pianos)

Rubber Cap Piano Dolly: $85
Carpet Covered Dolly: $50

Yellow E-Track straps: $15 each

Blue Ratchet Straps: $10 Each

What is a "Piano Board" and do I need one?

A piano board is used on baby grand and grand pianos. Since these are the pianos that are too wide to fit through doorways, the legs and lyre (pedals) must be removed. This means that the piano will be tilted on its side and placed on a Piano Board. A piano board acts as an added base/support to the piano. Although a grand pianos left side is meant to be leaned on, a piano board adds extra protection, added height and added padding.
Our piano boards are made in house. This means that our boards are solid enough to put our name behind them. Below the carpeted padding that you (see images below) is added foam padding to reduce shock during transport. Why is shock absorption important? To minimize the risk of needing severe tuning.
A Piano Board is also known as a Piano Skid Board. This is because a piano board will be used as a skid when going up or down staircases. Since pianos are heavy, they are typically not lifted/carried up or down flights of stairs. Instead, the piano board is uses to slide pianos up/down staircases.
As you can see on the image here, the lid sticks out about 1.5-3" (depending on the model). So, what will happen if you tilt it on it's side without a piano board? You guessed it... the lid will be placed under tremendous pressure due to the weight and suffer damage. In addition, the hinges that are holding the lid will bend and the screws that were holding the hinges will be bulled out. Once the screws are pulled, they will no longer re-grip properly. This means that the piano will require repair. You don't want to know how much that will cost. Piano technicians are not known for being "low priced".
If you are moving out of town and just need us to load your baby grand/grand piano (NOTE: An upright does not require a piano board), you must have a piano board. You can buy them from places like New Haven Moving or buy them from us. We offer the convenience of delivering it to you and moving your piano at the same time. No need to drive and buy one yourself. It also might not fit in your car, they are pretty large and can't be folded. Ours are also stronger.

If you take a look at these images, you can clearly see that the piano board allows the piano to be placed on its side on special carpeted padding that comes with built in foam. The foam is also visible if you take a closer look. As long as the pianos lid is outside of the board, no pressure will added to the lid and its hinges (the hinges cannot be seen on these images since they rest under and inside the lid) this means that your piano will be handled properly while being moved.
When Luna's Piano Movers transports pianos, we also use shock absorbent dollies. The images used to display and inform our customers about piano boards showcase dollies that do not have shock absorption. This is because ALL pianos that are stored with us are transferred onto these carpeted dollies for storage. We reserve the heavy duty shock absorbing dollies for live action.

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